Create a Custom Feedback Form
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Create a Custom Feedback form:

Webmaster's email address:
We need this to email you the form results.
Seperate multiple emails by commas.
Enter title of form:
Eg: John Doe Industries Feedback Form
Ask for name?
Should the custom feedback form ask for a name?
Ask for email?
Ask for a phone number?
Ask for physical address?
Use an "other" field?
(Use this to ask for other misc. info)
Text in "other" field:
Eg: "Best time to call:";   "Other comments:"
or "Interested services:"
Custom thank you page?
This will be the page visitors are redirected to
after filling out the form.
If yes, enter page URL:

We prohibit all SPAM. It is illegal to use this feedback form for SPAM.
All violations will be prosecuted to the full extent allowed by law.
To prevent SPAM, the IP address and submitted data of every form user are recorded.