Bruce Eckel's Free Electronic Books
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These are electronic books in HTML on C++ and Java, along with the source code. The HTML books are fully indexed, use Frames for easy navigation through the chapters, and have color syntax highlighting on all the source-code listings. Each HTML download contains an entire book and source code in a single zipped file.

Click for public and on-site seminars based on the books below.

Note: Many of these documents require the installation of the fonts Georgia, Verdana and Andale Mono (code font) for proper viewing. These can be found here.

Thinking in C++, Volume 2: Practical Programming Final version (print version) - December, 2003

Book in HTML + source-code tree and makefiles. Revision history at start of book.

Thinking in Enterprise Java Revision 1.1 - May 6, 2003

NOTE: book only, no source code. Described in Thinking in Java, 3rd edition. Very early release; book is still in formative stages. Revision history at start of book.
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(Designed to be viewed
full screen)

Thinking in Patterns Revision 0.9 - May 20, 2003

Revision history at start of book.

Thinking in Java, 3rd Edition Revision 4.0 - November 20, 2002: Final Version to Printer
Download includes HTML book and source code

Revision history at start of book.

Thinking in C++, 2nd edition, Volume 1 Revision 13 - Sept 27, 2001

Thinking in Java, 2nd edition Revision 12 - June 12 2001
Word Version (May have more recent corrections than HTML version; see redline/strikeouts)

Thinking in Java, 1st edition

Last Modified Sat Feb 5 2000